Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter weekend D.I.Y. with MOM

So I started my Easter weekend off with a few little projects! I have been talking about how my apartment doesn't feel "HOMEY," so I decided to change that! My mom is visiting for the Easter holiday, so I figured it was a perfect time to try some projects! We surfed the web for ideas, shopped, and put together two wonderful projects! 
I have been looking for frames for our wedding photos and I finally found some. We painted these an accent color that is in our living room rug!!

Simple, yet chic! Gave that personal punch to our living room wall! FINALLY!!! 

Next, we decided to try and tackle a project I found at Spunky Junky! We made a few changes to fit our needs....but it turned out OH SO AWESOME! Thanks so much for the inspiration!!

First, I found some cheap frames and spray painted them a pop color from my kitchen.

 Next, I measured and cut some scrapbook paper to pop on the frame backing that matched my decor.
I hot glued the paper onto the backing making sure it went on smooth with no bubbles. (Can you tell that I found this tidbit of info out the hard way??)

Find some silverware you like and spray paint it any color you want. We actually found some baby silverware at a Tuesday Mornings that worked perfectly for where I was wanting it to go. If you use regular sized silverware, you may have to use larger frames. We only used 5X7 frames for ours.
(TIP: We are placing our frames behind our stovetop, so we decided to put the glass back in our frames after this step. The glass will help us keep our paper away from stove splatters and such.)

Now the fun part! Play with and organize your silverware the way you want in the frame! I decided on this layout! Once you decide, get your gluing on and HANG!!!

Here was our final outcome! It gave our apartment kitchen the touch it needed!!

Hope you enjoyed my Easter weekend projects!! Have a Happy Easter everyone!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Weekend D.I.Y. Apartment Therapy

OK! So I pretty much have my apartment decorated, but the bedroom was lacking personality! We got a really cute comforter set from Crate and Barrel at our wedding shower, but the color has been extremely difficult for me to decorate around. Here is a picture of an edge of the comforter. This was mainly a picture of my dog, but it shows the color of the comforter in the top part of the picture! :-/

So, after searching the internet for several ideas, I decided to tackle my lampshades, which were originally black and boring.

First, I cleaned the lampshades with a lint roller.

Then, I chose a shape from the computer and traced it onto newspaper. I decided to use newspaper for a shabby chic way to bring more gray into the bedroom. I chose a bird for my shape. It matches some other birds I have throughout the apartment.

I cut out several bird shapes. I placed 3 birds on one of the shades and 4 on the other. This is totally personal preference!!

I used Mod Podge to glue my newspaper birdies to the lamp shade.
Here is a picture of one of the lamp shades. They turned out super contemporary, which is exactly what I was going for!

The next project I tackled was a jewelry tree. I recently bought this on sale at Target for $4.88! I knew I needed to bring in a little more of my yellow color from the comforter, so I decided to spray paint this beauty a fabulous solar yellow!!

The last project I decided to start this weekend was my mirror. All of the furniture in the bedroom is black, so my black mirror was adding a little too much darkness in the room for me!! I used my newspaper idea to decoupage the mirror. This took me two evenings and turned out great! Its gives the room a even more contemporary flair!

Now that my bedroom is slowly taking on a little bit of personality, I am starting to feel better! Thanks for following this journey with me!! 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Blank Spaces...

So we have lived in our little apartment for almost two months now.....and the blank walls are about on my last nerve! I have been searching all kinds of ideas to take up some space on our walls. This leads me to my first project.....Vintage Wedding Photo Display. I am going to paint some old frames and display our wedding photos in them, so stay tuned to watch this project take flight!!!